Life is a process of the natural unfolding of our consciousness, a dynamic process of growth and evolution. When we fail to consciously grow—that is, learn willingly and with clear intentions—or resist evolution, we become stagnant and tend to experience deep unhappiness and loss of meaning in our lives.
ARISE© is a unique coaching model that I’ve developed to support my clients towards their own unfolding. It’s both a visual reminder of our shared life’s purpose and a learning framework. The model reflects a process for how I might coach certain clients, such as those who may require more specialized attention to develop their personal foundation or are seeking deeper self-knowledge. It engages clients to self-discover, access their own internal power, and ascend into new ways of being that allow for immense breakthroughs and possibilities.
ARISE© uses 5-interative stages, with each possessing its own set of exploratory questions and related tasks for the client to investigate over a period of time. ARISE© is an acronym that stands for:
The graphic depicts the interrelationship of the various stages of the ARISE© model. Notice how each successive stage increases and expands outward like rippling water. This movement mirrors the client’s journey from attuning to herself (the foundational inner work) to her evolution as reflected in her growth and transformation (the outward expression in the world). As the client deepens her self-knowledge and self-awareness, she increasingly takes up space and influences the world around her.
Essentially, as we evolve, we ascend into new dimensions and consciously, powerfully, participate in the unfolding of life. This is what the ARISE© model aims to accomplish. Clients who are interested in this coaching model may request it or I may recommend an exploration of the model using either all or parts of it.
To learn more about the nuts and bolts of the model, read my article on the International Coach Academy (ICA) website.